During the winter break of 2020, my family and I plan to go to 14 trails in 2 weeks, allowing one trail per day.
The 5th day. That one strikes the charm, right? Or does it? Or maybe that was the third. Ah yes. Third times a charm. Today, we traveled down to the beach (again, because why not). The descent was normal, a downward slope that took forever. On the beach, there were a lot of rocks. I decided to make a dumb move near the end and took a short, small path. BIG MISTAKE. I lost my footing and tripped on some rocks, scraping my knee. No big worry though, I have had much worse. My mother put lotion on and a bandaid on. After that, my dad taught my sister and me how to make a rock "skip" across the water. After a few tries, I got a rock that skipped over a wave. I was very happy. On the way back, I had learned my lesson and took the longer but safer route. We came back and had a dinner of chicken wings. Lesson learned: A path might seem to save you a lot of time, but even easy routes have their consequences.