During the winter break of 2020, my family and I plan to go to 14 trails in 2 weeks, allowing one trail per day.
Today, or perhaps yesterday my family and I went to the Trump National Golf Course. Not to play golf, as we are all bad at it, but to go to the trail they had nearby. The start was fairly simple, we headed down towards the beach. Our car was perfectly parked near the 10th hole.

Then something caught my eye. I saw a narrow passage leading up to a small cliff. It had an excellent view of the ocean. My family took breathtaking pictures of us and the sea. We continued down until we had reached the beach. What beauty! There was a small pool where we could dip our feet in, which of course, we did. We ran over to the sand and had some fun there. Everybody except me ran across the beach. I didn't want to because the ground was a little rocky, and it hurt to run in the sand. My grandmother didn't want to come down, so she decided to walk back up to the car. She got lost and ended up walking to the 14th hole. When we finished, we couldn't find our grandmother. My mom got a call from a random person. It was somebody, and they had my grandmother safe and sound. We quickly walked over and retrieved our scared-but-safe grandma. We left for Cold Stone after that, and boy did they give us BIG servings!